Terms | Chinese | Korean | Explanation | Another Name |
Ming Xian Di | 明獻帝 |
명헌제 (밍센디) |
See Ming Ruizong (明睿宗). | 공목황제(恭穆皇帝), 공예연인극목순성헌황제(恭睿淵仁克穆純聖獻皇帝) |
Ming Xianzong | 明憲宗 |
명헌종 (밍센쭝) |
(1447-1487 CE; r. 1464-1487 CE). The eighth emperor of the Ming Dynasty and the eldest son of Emperor Yingzong (英宗). Birth name Zhu Jianjun (朱見濬), reign era name Chenghua (成化). During his reign, peasant uprisings occurred frequently, and eunuchs' political power was increased. | 성화(成化), 성화황제(成化皇帝), 헌종(憲宗) |
Ming Xiaozong | 明孝宗 |
명효종 (밍샤오쭝) |
(1470-1505 CE; r. 1487-1505 CE). The ninth emperor of the Ming Dynasty who succeeded Emperor Xiaozong (孝宗). Personal name Zhu Youcheng (朱祐樘), reign era name Hongzhi (弘治). His reign is called the Hongzhi Silver Age as the state's economy flourished, and political stability was strengthend. | 경황제(敬皇帝), 소성자수황태후(昭聖慈壽皇太后), 홍치(弘治), 홍치황제(弘治皇帝), 효종(孝宗), 효종경황제(孝宗敬皇帝), 효종황(孝宗皇), 효종황제(孝宗皇帝) |
Ming Xizong | 明熹宗 |
명희종 (밍시쭝) |
(1605-1627 CE; r. 1620-1627 CE). The fifteenth emperor of the Ming Dynasty and the eldest son of Emperor Guangzong (光宗). Personal name Zhu Youxiao (朱由校), reign era name Tianqi (天啓). As he was illiterate and showed little interest in the affairs of the state, power fell into the hands of the chief eunuch Wei Zhongxian (魏忠賢), and by the end of his reign, the government had lost control of the empire. | 천계(天啓), 천계황제(天啓皇帝) |
Ming Xuan Di | 明宣帝 |
명선제 (밍쉬안디) |
See Ming Xuanzong (明宣宗). | 선덕황제(宣德皇帝) |
Ming Xuanzong | 明宣宗 |
명선종 (밍쉬안쭝) |
(1399-1435 CE; r. 1425-1435 CE). The fifth emperor of the Ming Dynasty and the eldest son of Emperor Renzong (仁宗). Personal name Zhu Zhanji (朱瞻基), reign era name Xuande (宣德). His reign is considered to be Ming's golden age without significant problems. He was also an accomplished painter. | 선(宣), 선덕황제(宣德皇帝), 선종(宣宗), 선종장황제(宣宗章皇帝), 선종황제(宣宗皇帝), 선황제(宣皇帝) |
Ming Yan Wang | 明燕王 |
명연왕 (밍옌왕) |
See Ming Chengzu 明成祖. | 연왕(燕王) |
Ming Yingzong | 明英宗 |
명영종 (밍잉쭝) |
(1427-1464 CE; r. 1435-1449, 1457-1464). The sixth and eighth emperor of the Ming Dynasty. Personal name Zhu Qizhen (朱祁鎮). The first reign era name Zhengtong (正統), the second, Tianshun (天順). He was captured by the Oirat Mongols in the battle of Tumu (土木) in 1449, and his younger brother Zhu Qiyu (朱祁鈺) was enthroned as the Jingtai Emperor (Jingtai Di 景泰帝). However, Zhu Qizhen reclaimed the throne by a palace coup in 1457, declaring the new era name Tianshun (天順). | 기진(祁鎭), 영종(英宗), 영종황제(英宗皇帝), 영황제(英皇帝), 정통(正統), 정통황제(正統皇帝) |
Ming Yizong | 明毅宗 |
명의종 (밍이쭝) |
(1611-1644 CE; r. 1627-1644 CE). The last emperor of the Ming Dynasty. Personal name Zhu Youjian (朱由檢), reign era name Chongzhen (崇禎). After killing members of the imperial household, he hanged himself from a tree in 1644 when Beijing fell to Li Zicheng's (李自成) rebel force. | 렬(烈), 렬황제(烈皇帝), 소천역도강명각검규문분무돈인무효렬황제(紹天繹道剛明恪儉揆文奮武敦仁懋孝烈皇帝), 숭정(崇禎), 숭정황제(崇禎皇帝), 숭정황제묘(崇禎皇帝廟), 의종(毅宗), 의종렬황제(毅宗烈皇帝), 의종황제(毅宗皇帝), 명사종(明思宗) |
Ming Yongle Di | 明永樂帝 |
명영락제 (밍융러디) |
See Ming Chengzu 明成祖. | 영락황제(永樂皇帝) |