Terms | Chinese | Korean | Explanation | Another Name |
Wan Shide | 萬世德 |
만세덕 (완스더) |
(d.1602) A jinshi of 1571. While serving as Grand Coordinator (巡撫) in 1598, he was dispatched to Korea as Military Commissioner (經略), a commander-in-chief of Ming army in Korea. | 만경리(萬經理), 만군문(萬軍門), 만로야(萬老爺), 세덕(世德) |
Wan Shihe | 萬士和 |
만사화 (완스허) |
(1517-1587). A native of Yixing 宜興, Nanjing 南京. He won a jinshi degree in 1541, and was later promoted to Minister of Rites 禮部尙書 in the first year (1573) of the Wanli 萬曆 era. He opposed to Zhang Juzheng's 張居正 policies many times while he was in office. | |
Wan'an Zonghan | 完顔宗翰 |
완안종한 (완안쭝한) |
Wan'an Zonghan(完顏宗翰, 1080~1137), the eldest son of the Grand Councilor Wan'an Sagai(完顏撒改), was a founding contributor of the Jin Dynasty. He served three emperors, Emperor Taizu(太祖), Emperor Taizong(太宗) and Emperor Xizong(熙宗). He was posthumously installed as the Prince of Qin(秦王) and honored as Huanzhong(桓忠). | 점한(粘罕), 점몰갈(粘沒喝) |
Wang Anshi | 安石 |
안석 (왕안스) |
See Wang Anshi(王安石) | 안석(安石), 왕(王), 왕개보(王介甫), 왕석(王石), 왕안석(王安石), 왕형공(王荊公), 형공(荊公) |
Wang Anshi | 王安石 |
왕안석 (왕안스) |
Wang Anshi(王安石, 1021~1086), courtesy name Jiefu(介甫), was an official who promoted the most controversial socioeconomic reforms of the Song Dynasty. He was also one of the Eight Great Men of Letters of the Tang and Song dynasties(唐宋八大家). In the reign of Emperor Shenzong(神宗), with the emperor’s support, he introduced and promulgated his reforms, the so-called the New Policies(新法). However his reforms had to face fierce opposition from the Conservative Faction(舊法黨) led by Sima Guang(司馬光). With Emperor Shenzong's death in 1085, he was ousted from power and the New Policies were nullified. | 안석(安石), 왕(王), 왕개보(王介甫), 왕석(王石), 왕안석(王安石), 왕형공(王荊公), 형공(荊公) |
Wang Bai | 王栢 |
왕백 (왕바이) |
Wang Bai(王栢, 1197~1274) was a Confucian scholar of the Southern Song Dynasty. He studied following Zhu Xi(朱熹)'s principles and was proficient in astronomy, history, geography and graphonomy. | 왕백(王栢), 회지(會之), 노재(魯齋) |
Wang Bao | 王褒 |
왕포 (왕바오) |
A renowned rhapsody 賦 writer during the reign of Emperor Xuan of Han 漢宣帝. A native of Shu 蜀 commandery. | 포(Bao 褒) |
Wang Bao | 王豹 |
왕표 (왕바오) |
A famous singer during the Spring and Autumn period. According to one account, after he moved to the Qi 淇 region, the people of Hexi 河西 became good singers. | |
Wang Ben | 王本 |
왕본 (왕번) |
A Ming palace eunuch (太監) who was dispatched to Joseon as an envoy in the thirteenth year (1558) of the reign of King Myeongjong (明宗) of Joseon. | |
Wang Bi | 王弼 |
왕필 (왕비) |
(226-249). A classical scholar and Chinese neo-daoist philosopher of the Cao Wei 曹魏 during the Three Kingdoms period. He was a commentator of Book of Changes 易經 and Daodejing 道德經. | 언사백(Yanshibo 偃師伯), 보사(Fusi 輔嗣) |