Terms | Chinese | Korean | Explanation | Another Name |
Li Guoliang | 李國樑 |
이국량 (리궈량) |
A regional military commissioner in Liaodong 遼東 in the 1610s. | 이국량(李國樑) |
Li Hang | 李沆 |
이항 (리항) |
Li Hang(李沆, 947~1004) was an official of the Northern Song Dynasty. He came from Luo Prefecture(洛州) and earned the jinshi(進士) degree in 980. After Emperor Zhenzong(眞宗) ascended the throne, he was promoted Vice Counselor(參知政事) and Vice Minister of Revenue(户部侍郞). In the realm of literature, he advocated the Classical Prose Movement(古文運動), following Han Yu(韓愈) and Liu Zongyuan(柳宗元). | 이항(李沆), 태초(太初) |
Li Hanlín | 李翰林 |
이한림 (리한린) |
Refer to Li Ba (or Li Bo) | 이한림(李翰林) |
Li He | 李賀 |
이하 (리허) |
Li He(李賀, 790–816), born in Changgu(昌谷), was a prominent poet of the late Tang Dynasty. He was renowned for his unconventional and imaginative style. | 이하(李賀), 장길(長吉) |
Li Hongzhang | 李鴻章 |
이홍장 (리훙장) |
Li Hongzhang(李鴻章, 1823-1901) was a politician, general, and diplomat of the late Qing Dynasty. During the period of the Taiping Rebellion, in defence of his native district, he raised a regiment of militia and suppressed several major rebellions. He then served in important positions of the Imperial Court, including the Premier Viceroyalty of Zhili(直隸總督). He also played an important part in adjusting diplomatic affairs with the Western Powers. | 이(李), 이중당(李中堂), 이중당문화전태학사숙의백(李中堂文華殿太學士肅毅伯), 이총독홍장(李總督鴻章), 이홍장(李鴻章), 홍장(鴻章) |
Li Huaiguang | 李懷光 |
이회광 (리화이광) |
Li Huaiguang(李懷光), originally from the Mohe of Bohai(渤海靺鞨), was a general of the Tang Dynasty(唐朝). He suppressed the rebellion of Zhu Ci(朱泚) and gained the trust of the Emperor Daizong(代宗). But, in the reign of the Emperor Dezong(德宗), he lost the favor of the emperor and rebelled. When the rebellion failed, he killed himself. | 이회광(李懷光) |
Li Ji | 李勣 |
이적 (리지) |
Refers to Li Ji 李勣; see Li Ji 李勣 | 이적(李勣), 무공(懋功) |
Li Ji | 李及 |
이급 (리지) |
Li Ji(李及) was an official of the Song Dynasty who took posts including Prefect of Qin(秦州刺史) and Vice Censor-in-Chief(御史中丞). He was referred to as a man of integrity. | 급(及), 이급(李及) |
Li Ji | 李楫 |
이즙 (리지) |
Li Ji(李楫) was the leader of rebel forces who sacked Guangxi(廣西) during the Southern Song Dynasty. | 이즙(李楫) |
Li Ji | 酈寄 |
역기 (리지) |
A high-ranking official during the early Western Han dynasty. A son of Li Shang 酈商. |