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국사편찬위원회 조선왕조실록


Chinese Personal Names
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Tang Shouwang 唐壽王 당수왕
Li Mao(李瑁) was a son of Emperor Xuanzong(玄宗) and Wu Huifei(武惠妃). He also was the first husband of Yang Yuhuan(楊玉環), often known as Yang Guifei(楊貴妃). After his mother Wu Huifei's death, he was ordered to divorce Yang Yuhuan(楊玉環) and remarry a daughter of Wei Zhaoxun(韋昭訓). 수왕(壽王)
Tang Shunzhi 唐順之 당순지
(1507-1560 CE). A native of Wujin (武進), the Southern Metropolitan Area (南直隸). As a prominent man of letters in the Tang-Song School, he and Gui Youguang (歸有光) and Wang Shenzhong (王慎中), are called the "Three Great Masters during the Jiajing era (1522-1566)." 순지(順之)
Tang Shunzong 唐順宗 당순종
Emperor Shunzong(順宗, 761-806, r.806), personal name Li Song (李誦), was an emperor of the Tang Dynasty. He was the eldest son of Emperor Daizong(代宗). Due to his illness, his reign lasted less than a year, and powerful eunuchs were able to force him to yield the throne to his son Li Chun(李淳), Emperor Xianzong(憲宗). He died in 806 as the Grand Emperor(太上皇). It was suspected that he was murdered by the eunuchs who arranged Emperor Xianzong's succession. During his short reign, Emperor Shunzong made a series of attempts to weaken the influences of regional warlords and eunuchs. This reformative movement was called the Yongzhen Reformation (永貞革新). 순종(順宗), 이송(李誦)
Tang Situi 湯思退 탕사퇴
Tang Situi(湯思退, 1117~1164) was a Grand Councilor of the Southern Song Dynasty. Born in Chu Prefecture(處州), he earned the jinshi (進士) degree in 1145. In the reign of Emperor Xiaozong(孝宗), accused of attempting to make a peace with Jin(金), he was exiled to Yong Prefecture(永州) and died there. 탕사퇴(湯思退), 진지(進之)
Tang Songwang 唐宋王 당송왕
Li Chengqi(李成器, 679-742) was the oldest son of Emperor Ruizong(睿宗) of the Tang Dynasty. He was installed as the crown prince in 684, and entitled Prince Song(宋王) in 710. After his father restored the emperorship, he yielded the position of crown prince to his younger brother Li Longji(李隆基). He was posthumously honored as Emperor Rang(讓皇帝). 송왕(宋王)
Tang Suwang 唐肅王 당숙왕
Prince Su(肅王, 779-782), personal name Li Xiang(李詳), was the fifth son of Emperor Dezong(德宗) of the Tang Dynasty. He was posthumously honored as Commander in Chief of Yang Prefecture(揚州大都督). 상(詳), 숙왕(肅王), 이상(李詳)
Tang Suzong 唐肅宗 당숙종
Emperor Suzong(肅宗, 711-762, r.756-762), personal name Li Heng(李亨), was an emperor of the Tang Dynasty. He ascended the throne in 756 after his father Emperor Xuanzong(玄宗) fled to Sichuan(四川) during An Lushan's Rebellion. Forming an alliance with the Uigur, he recaptured Chang'an(長安) and Luoyang(洛陽) in 757. During his reign, he made a great effort to end the An Shi Rebellion, which was ultimately put down in 763 during the reign of his son Emperor Daizong(代宗). 숙(肅), 숙종(肅宗), 숙종황제(肅宗皇帝), 이형(李亨)
Tang Taizong 唐太宗 당태종
Emperor Taizong(太宗, 599-649, r.626-649), personal name Li Shimin(李世民), was the second emperor of the Tang Dynasty. He encouraged his father, Li Yuan(李淵) to rebel against the Sui Dynasty in 617 and subsequently defeated other rebel readers and unified China again. However, Li Yuan, Emperor Gaozu, installed his brother Li Jiancheng(李建成) as crown prince instead of him, which made Li Shemin, the future Emperor Taizong, dissatisfied. In 626, Li Shimin carried out a successful coup d’'etat at Xuanwu Gate(玄武門), killing the heir-apparent and his supporters. Emperor Gaozu immediately abdicated in his favor. Emperor Taizong's reign, "Reign of Zhenguan" (貞觀之治), was regarded as one of the most prosperous periods in Chinese history. 당제(唐帝), 당종(唐宗), 당태종(唐太宗), 당황(唐皇), 문황(文皇), 세민(世民), 종(宗), 진왕(秦王), 태종(太宗)
Tang Tong 唐通 당통
A Ming regional commander (總兵官) during the late Ming period. He failed to defend the Juyong Pass (居庸關) against the army of Li Zicheng 李自成, and the Shanhai Pass (山海關) against the army of Wu Sangui 吳三桂. He later surrendered to the Manchus after the defeat.
Tang Wenzan 湯文瓚 탕문찬
A company leader. He participated in the Imjin War (aka Hideyoshi's Invasion). He was killed in battle in 1598. 탕문찬(湯文瓚)
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