Terms | Chinese | Korean | Explanation | Another Name |
Fan Zhixu | 范致虛 |
범치허 (판즈쉬) |
Fan Zhixu(范致虛, ?~1129) was an official of the Song Dynasty. He earned the jinshi(進士) degree in 1088 and became Erudite of the State Academy(太學博士). When Jin(金) military forces invaded Song in the reign of Emperor Qinzong(欽宗), he served as Militant Commander-in-Chief of Shanxi(陜西宣撫使). However, he was disastrously defeated by the Jin forces due to his lack of military knowledge. | 범치허(范致虛), 겸숙(謙叔) |
Fan Zhongyan | 范仲淹 |
범중엄 (판중옌) |
Fan Zhongyan(范仲淹, 989~1052) was a prominent politician and literary figure of the Song Dynasty. As a strategist, he made a great contribution to the war against Xixia(西夏). He played an important role in the Qingli Reforms(慶歷新政) during the 1040's. | 범(范), 범공(范公), 범문정공(范文正公), 범씨(范氏), 범중엄(范仲淹), 소범(小范), 희문(希文) |
Fan Zhun | 樊準 |
번준 (판준) |
An official who memorialized the Han court to promote Confucian learning during the reign of Emperor An of Han 漢安帝. | |
Fan Zongyin | 范宗尹 |
범종윤 (판쭝인) |
Fan Zongyin(范宗尹, 1100~1136) was an official of the Song Dynasty who earned the jinshi(進士) degree in 1121. He held the office of Aide to the Master of Writings(中書舍人) and the Vice Censor-in-Chief(御史中丞) He was later promoted to Right Vice Director of the Department of State Affairs(尙書右僕射). In 1131 he was demoted since he annoyed Qin Hui(秦檜). | 범종윤(范宗尹), 각민(覺民) |
Fan Zuyu | 范祖禹 |
범조우 (판쭈위) |
Fan Zuyu(范祖禹, 1041-1098) was an official and historian of the Song Dynasty. He earned the jinshi(進士) degree in 1063. He assisted Sima Guang(司馬光) to compile the Comprehensive Mirror to Aid in Government(資治通鑑). He also compiled the Historical Studies for Emperors(帝學), which was submitted to Emperor Zhezong(哲宗). He also compiled the Mirror to Tang(唐鑑) which took 15 years to complete. | 범조우(范祖禹), 순보(淳甫), 몽득(夢得) |
Fang Gan | 方干 |
방간 (팡간) |
Fang Gan(方干, 809—888) was a poet of the Tang Dynasty. He was notorious for his ugly appearance. His works were included in Fangjishiji(方干詩集) and Quantangshi(全唐詩). | 방간(方干), 웅비(雄飛), 결순선생 (缺脣先生) |
Fang Guan | 房琯 |
방관 (팡관) |
Fang Guan(房琯, 697-763) was a chancellor during the reigns of Emperor Xuanzong(玄宗) and Emperor Suzong(肅宗). His army was completely defeated by rebels during the An Shi Rebellion(安史之亂). He was dismissed due to this, but later became chancellor again. | 방관(房琯), 차률(次律) |
Fang Jun | 方俊 |
방준 (팡쥔) |
A commander (指揮) in Liaodong (遼東) during the Yongle era (1403-1424) of the Ming dynasty. | 방(方) |
Fang Junsheng | 方俊生 |
방준생 (팡쥔성) |
See Fang Jun 方俊. | 준생(俊生) |
Fang La | 方臘 |
방랍 (팡라) |
Fang La(方臘, ?~1112) was a rebel leader who lived during the late Northern Song period. In 1120, Fang La led rebel peasants against the Song Dynasty in Shezhou(歙州). Fang La's forces conquered Hangzhou(杭州) and subsequently took control over parts of present-day Jiangsu(江蘇), Zhejiang(浙江), Anhui(安徽) and Jiangxi(江西). However in 1121, he was captured by Han Shizhong(韓世忠) and escorted to the capital Kaifeng(開封). Four months later, he was executed in Kaifeng on the charge of treason. | 방랍(方臘) |