Classified Index
"Administration-Central Administration"
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597 results
Accession Year (1418)
Accession Year (1418), Month 8, Day 12, Entry 3
The King establishes the Directorate of the Elevation Ceremony
Accession Year (1418), Month 8, Day 12, Entry 5
Several of posts are added to the Office of the Royal Lectures
Accession Year (1418), Month 8, Day 15, Entry 5
The King establishes the Office of the Abdicated King Taejong
Accession Year (1418), Month 8, Day 16, Entry 5
The King orders three inspectors to manage the Righteous and Valiant Army
Accession Year (1418), Month 8, Day 19, Entry 7
The King installs thirty runners in the Office of the Queen Mother
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Year 1 (1419)
Year 2 (1420)
Year 3 (1421)
Year 4 (1422)
Year 5 (1423)
Year 6 (1424)
Year 7 (1425)
Year 8 (1426)
Year 9 (1427)
Year 10 (1428)
Year 11 (1429)
Year 12 (1430)
Year 13 (1431)
Year 14 (1432)
Year 15 (1433)
Year 16 (1434)
Year 17 (1435)
Year 18 (1436)
Year 19 (1437)
Year 20 (1438)
Year 21 (1439)