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국사편찬위원회 조선왕조실록


세종장원대왕실록 The Veritable Records of King Sejong
“Great King Sejong Jangheon with Cultured Sagacity, Martial Wisdom, Excellent Benevolence, and Brilliant Filial Piety 世宗莊憲英文睿武仁聖明孝大王 (Great King Sejong Jangheon) with Yeongmun Yemu Inseong Myeonghyo; r. 1418-1450), whose given names were Do 裪 at birth and Wonjeong 元正 at adulthood, was the third son of Great King Taejong Gongjeong 太宗恭定大王. His mother was Queen Wongyeong 元敬王后 of the Min clan 閔氏”